

Design, Development and Piloting of the ‘Elderly Artists Fight Climate Change’ Curriculum. Aims to raise awareness about environmental and climate-change challenges and suggest solutions for environmental sustainability. Also, the WP will attempt to empower senior artists with the knowledge of how to fight climate change through their art, as well as sensitise them for their active role as agents of change and for engaging in environmental actions in their communities.

E-learning platform

An e-learning space for senior visual artists. Through this, they can enjoy access to a wide range of lifelong learning opportunities to facilitate a cross-cultural network of collaboration between EU senior artists who can virtually display their artworks to raise awareness and generate environmental change as well as to empower them to increase their civic participation and become the new ambassadors against climate change counteracting age discrimination.


This Toolkit can be used by relevant professionals working not only with senior artists but also with senior people in general. The goal is to equip professionals with practical methodologies to increase the civic participation and environmental awareness of older people. It is meant to offer practical advice and guidance regarding creativity and how to develop it in order to raise awareness for environmental issues, with a special emphasis on eliminating the barriers for the elderly community to be actively involved in actions towards sustainability.